Social Media
See FFBC On Facebook & Instagram
We love to have fun and we love to work hard. We make sure to post about it too! Here’s what’s going on in the world of Freedom Fitness Boot Camp’s (FFBC) Facebook Page! If you’re just curious to see how people are working out, or what type of stunts we’re pulling, make sure to visit our Facebook and Instagram and give us that “Like.” It’s a great way to become familiar with our team, culture, and variety of members.
⭐️ Kick Off 2020 With Purpose! ⭐️ Our New Year’s 8 Week Transformation Challenge starts January 6th and ends February 28th. If you’re sick and tired all the time, this is your moment to join a Fitness Family that thrives on good vibes, great Energy and Support to keep leveling up! 🏆 ***Referral Bonus 💰 💰 💰 ***
If you’re not currently an FFBC Member, refer anyone NEW to Freedom Fitness Boot Camp and if they register we will take $50 OFF per person you refer from your Challenge Entry Fee. If you’re already an FFBC Member we will take $50 OFF your monthly membership dues per person for anyone NEW to FFBC that registers. It’s almost 2020... Let’s Go! 💪🏼 🙌 🏅 #freedomfitnessbootcamp #transformationchallenge #sandyutah #sandycity #bootcamp #fitnessfamily #levelup #thisisyourmoment
⭐️ 2020 ⭐️ The New Year approaches as does our Annual New Year’s Transformation Challenge. What is Transformation for you? Lose weight and gain muscle may be the standard answers but there’s so much more! 💥 How about have more energy, be your TOP priority again, keep up with kids or grand kids, pick up or move items you couldn’t before, don’t get winded going up stairs, stand taller, get in and out of the car easier, beat someone in arm wrestling 😂, love ❤️ that person you see in the mirror no matter what and the list goes on. 💥 All the little things in life matter and when you do things for yourself and do them consistently over extended time, it can create Miraculous, Life Changing Transformation. 🙌 Join Us! Click link in our BIO to take action and register NOW ✅
⭐️ Last Chance ⭐️ (Valid for ALL current Non-Members) Our 50% OFF for all of December attendance offer at Freedom Fitness Boot Camp ends tonight at 9pm. You can register using our link in our Instagram bio or message us to help you out. We’ve never had a rate this low for a full month of access to our time saving, results driven, group training sessions. Don’t miss out... Join Us!
#freedomfitnessbootcamp #blackfridayoffer #dontmissout #joinus

🦃 Another Thanksgiving 1000 Fundraiser 60 minute session complete! 🦃 What better way to start a Holiday than with a Fitness Family? Being able to raise funds for the Good Samaritan Foundation was icing on the Boot Camp cake 🎂. $2200 was donated by 64 participants and even some who didn’t participate today. Thank you 🙏 ALL for your generous donations, time & energy... it all matters and makes a difference! #freedomfitnessbootcamp #fitnessfamily #bethechange #goodsamaritanfoundation #teamwork #thanksgiving1000 #sandycity #gobblegobble
⭐️ Major Update ⭐️ Our Black Friday Mega Deal is now open to ALL Non-Members of FFBC! That’s right... even if you have been a member with us before you can dive into this offer and get 50% OFF our lowest monthly rate. Only 20 spots available so act fast! We won’t stop there... we normally won’t allow two discount rate offers in a row but if you lock 🔒 in our Black Friday deal we will even let you register for our fast approaching 2020 New Years Challenge for 8 Weeks more of discounted rate Award Winning Boot Camp sessions. Lock in your Black Friday deal NOW and qualify for our discounted Challenge rate in January. Say “YES” to December and “YES” to the best kick off to 2020 you can get. 💪🏼 🥇 🏆 🎉 Click LINK in our BiO to Register!
🐾 Phase 2 of Brighton Lacrosse 🥍 pre season Cross Training began today with this great group of guys. Today featured the Death by 100 Workout theme. Hard work pays off! #teamwork #united #brightonlacrosse #brightonbengals #crosstraining #lacrossetraining #hiitworkout #levelup @brightonlacrosse @bengalsbhs
$100 CASH 💵 Winner for Best Halloween 🎃 Costume (movie character theme) at Freedom Fitness Boot Camp. Cousin Eddie from National Lampoons Christmas Vacation showed up with a beer and cigar to take fitness to a completely different level! Such an authentic representation @hutchstyle #freedomfitnessbootcamp #halloweencostume #1stprize
⭐️ Challenge Winners Announced Today ⭐️ 3rd Place takes $300 💵, 2nd Place takes $500 💵 and 1st Place takes $1300 💵! We can’t wait to reveal the Results. We are even rewarding $100 to the Winner of Best Costume (movie character theme) from our Halloween 🎃 Workout Day. Let’s have some fun!
More fitness TOYS for FFBC... let’s go! #bootcamp #sandycity #sandycityutah #sandyutah #familybusiness #hiittraining #utahfitfam #utahfitness #utahfit #freedomfitnessbootcamp
⭐️ Our NEW Sign! ⭐️ Work hard, play hard and keep challenging yourself. Sometimes you don’t get what you are after right away but keep taking action. We don’t always get everything perfect but we learn and keep moving forward. 🙏 Thanks to people who have supported our fitness business over the years and to @kylegermer with @identity_signs we have a beautiful new sign to bring awareness to our location and what we do. Go FFBC! #familybusiness #smallbusiness #keeplearning #keepgrowing #fitnessbusiness #bootcamp #sandycity #sandyutah